
ALEPH: Alliance for Jewish Renewal
The flagship website for the Jewish Renewal movement. ALEPH supports and grows the worldwide movement for Jewish renewal by organizing and nurturing communities, developing leadership, creating liturgical and scholarly resources, and working for social and environmental justice. ALEPH’s affiliated projects include the ALEPH Kallah, a biennial convocation; OhaLaH: The Association of Rabbis for Jewish Renewal; ALEPH’s Rabbinic Studies Program; the Network of Jewish Renewal Communities; C-DEEP (The Center for Devotional, Energy, and Ecstatic Practice); and The Shalom Center.

OHALAHthe Association of Rabbis for Jewish Renewal,
The professional organization that includes more than 200 diverse rabbis who participate in the transformation and renewal of Judaism. We provide our rabbis with collegial support and opportunities for sharing in Jewish learning, life and practice. OHALAH also brings together cantors and rabbinic pastors for these same purposes. OHALAH holds an annual conference each January. 

DLTI: The Davvenen’ Leadership Training Institute
The Davennen’ Leadership Training Institute (DLTI) offers a unique, award-winning learning experience to help those who lead worship and other communal events in a Jewish context to deepen the quality of communal prayer so that it activates the body, touches the heart, engages the mind and nourishes genuine spiritual growth and insight.

C-DEEP – Center for Devotional Energy & Ecstatic Practice
Co-Directors: Rabbi Shefa Gold & Rachmiel O’Regan, MA
C-DEEP is a resource for communities and individuals who want to explore the deep treasures of Judaism to cultivate the devotional and ecstatic aspects of their lives. C-DEEP serves:

  • Those who would build a deep and abiding Center of Awareness through Meditation and Jewish Contemplative practice.
  • Those on a Devotional path who have a commitment to live from the heart and do the work required to grow in love each day.
  • Those who understand what it means to perceive the world as Energy and want to become energy-workers.
  • Those who want to explore Ecstatic states to expand their perceptive and creative potential.
  • And those who have a commitment to Practice on a daily, and, hopefully, moment to moment, basis.

The Shalom Center
The Shalom Center equips activists and spiritual leaders with awareness and skills needed to lead in shaping a transformed and transformative Judaism that can help create a world of peace, justice, healing for the earth, and respect for the interconnectedness of all life. Founder of the Shalom Center is Reb Arthur Waskow.

Rabbi Marcia Prager
Rabbi Marcia Prager is a vibrant Jewish Renewal teacher, storyteller, artist, and therapist. She is Director and Dean of Ordination Programs for ALEPH: Alliance for Jewish Renewal, and rabbi for the P’nai Or Jewish Renewal community of Philadelphia PA.

The Awakened Heart Project for Contemplative Judaism – Rabbi Jeff Roth  
The mission of Awakened Heart Project is to promote the use of Jewish contemplative techniques that foster the development of a heart of wisdom and compassion. Cultivating an awakened heart leads to acting in the world with loving-kindness towards all beings recognizing them as manifestations of the Holy One of Being.

Organic Torah 
Organic Torah integrates ancient Jewish wisdom with new directions in modern thought such as ecological and systems thinking which emphasize networks of relationship, context and patterns of connection. This new approach to Jewish texts focuses on their patterns, recovers their organic vibrancy, and opens them up so that we can see their relevance to modern lives. Founded by Rabbi Natan Margalit.

​Isabella Freedman Jewish Retreat Center
Isabella Freedman was founded in 1897 as the Jewish Working Girls Vacation Society. In the fall of 2006, the Jewish Renewal Retreat Center merged with Isabella Freedman. Many jprograms at Isabella Freedman have a Jewish Renewal flavor such as the Hazon Meditation Retreat every December, led by Jewish Renewal Rabbi Jay Michaelson. The DLTI training meets at Isabella Freedman.

YERUSHA: Building a legacy for future generations:
An organization founded by Rabbi Nadya Gross, Executive Director & CEO and Rabbi Victor Gross, President. They also teach in the ALEPH Ordinations programs. Faculty include Rabbis Shaya Isenberg, Bahira Sugarman, and Lynne Iser. Programs they run are:

  • The Sage-ing (R) Legacy Program
  • Deep Ecumenism
  • Eco-Kosher Certification – Training as a Mashgiach/Mashgicha
  • Secrets My Grandmother Told Me – A Wisdom School
  • Ruach Ha’Aretz  – a Biennial Summer Retreat 

Reclaiming Judaism – Founded by Rabbi Goldie Milgram
Reclaiming Judaism develops and provides programs, training, resources, research and consultation in the emerging field of Jewish spiritual education, i.e., guiding people to be able to thrive through the beauty and power of a Jewish lens on living. Founded by Rabbi Goldie Milgram, Reclaiming Judaism’s major initiatives include the Institute for Jewish Spiritual Education (2017) and it’s Maggid-Educator Ordination Program, the Mitzvah-Centered Life Initiative (2015), Reclaiming Judaism Press (2009), and the Bar/Mitzvah [R]evolution (2001), now known as B-Mitzvah! – Chassidus Without Borders was created by Rabbi David Seidenberg to help folks integrate Chasidic song, learning, and nusach into their davenning and communities and to explore embodied Torah. It evolved to focus on eco-Torah and to share liturgy that honors our relationship with the Earth and/or expresses gender parity.