High Holy Days 5785 (2024)

An Alternative High Holy Day observance, blending joy and meaning, ancient and modern Jewish wisdom, traditional and creative prayer.

High Holiday Services led by Rabbi Andrea Cohen-Kiener

Services held at Flagg Road Church – 134 Flagg Road, West Hartford

Zoom link available to those who register

High Holidays are free for all who are 30 and under!

Learn about Membership and High Holiday Tickets Here.

High Holy Days

HH Schedule

Wednesday, October 2, 2024ROSH HASHANAH EVEErev (Evening) Rosh Hashanah Service at the Church
We'll Gather at 6:15 and start Promptly at 6:30PM
Kiddish and Dinner at The Silverstein's, following the service. Registration/RSVP required.
Thursday, October 3, 2024ROSH HASHANAH 1st DAY9:30 AM - 9:50 AM Quiet Meditation
10:00 AM - 1:30ish PM Shaharit (morning), Torah, and Shofar services
Followed by Kiddush (challah, apples, honey, schmoozing) outdoors
Saturday, October 5, 2024ROSH HASHANAH Walk and StudyRosh Hashanah Reflective Walk and Talk
10 AM - 1 PM*

A beautiful walk, followed by discussion and sharing on Rosh Hashanah themes. Tashlich ritual (casting away our mistakes).
Meet at the main parking lot of the reservoir on Farmington Ave in West Hartford with comfortable shoes, water, a blanket or other portable seat, and snacks or lunch (as you wish).
* The discussion will begin at 11:30, not too far from parking, to accommodate as many as possible
** weather permitting; steady rain cancels.
Friday, October 11, 2024KOL NIDREYom Kippur: Kol Nidre
We'll Gather at 6:15 and start Promptly at 6:30PM
Saturday, October 12, 2024YOM KIPPUR9:30-9:50 AM Quiet Meditation
10 AM – 2 PM-ish Shaharit (morning), Torah, and Yizkor (memorial) services
It is a powerful experience to both begin and end the day in community prayer, so we invite you to return for the closing services.
4-5 PM Prayer in Motion
5-6 PM Jonah, the sleeping prophet, and Minhah
6 PM - Sundown Neilah: Sealing the Day
Followed by potluck Break-fast
Saturday, October 19, 2024SUKKOT10 am Sukkot Gathering with songs, prayers, discussion and a potluck lunch, at a member’s sukkah

*Overnight hospitality available for those traveling long distances:

 Contact Elaine at pnaiorct@gmail.com to make a request.